Inverter Battery - Amithi Energy for UPS Battery

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Inverter Battery

A power inverter, or inverter, is an electronic device that changes direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).

The input voltage, output voltage, frequency and overall power handling depend on the design of the specific device.

Amithi Energy is Tried, Tested and Trusted since decades. We specialize in sale and service of all types of Inverter batteries.

Amaron Inverter 150Ah Tall Tubular Battery:
Most parts of india suffer from power cuts and extreme voltage fluctuations. It is no wonder that a vast majority of indians depend on inverters to address this problem. And to take care of this crucial need,they depend on a battery that won't let them down. Amaron. With a range of inverter batteries to suit varying needs and applications of end users,amaron inverter batteries are compatible with any brand of inverters available in the market,so you are never at a loss for power. When you buy an amaron inverter battery,you enjoy a completely hassle-free experience as the battery uses a high heat resistant calcium/ultra modified hybrid alloy for its grids which makes it zero-maintenance. Amaron also offers a range of technologically advanced inverters and home ups system for complete peace of mind.

  • High Heat Tolerance Capacity Makes It Perfect For Indian Weather Conditions,
  • Factory Charged, Has Highest Reserve Capacity,
  • Charging Is Easy And Happens Fast,
  • Less Prone To Lose Water And Hence Maintenance Not Needed.
Inverter Battery by Amaron
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Chennai-600 007
(0) 93810-24500
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