VRLA Battery - Amithi Energy for UPS Battery

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VRLA Battery

VRLA battery means Valve Regulated Lead Acid sealed battery.

The VRLA battery is the most popular reserve power design because the electrolyte is captive, preventing it from spilling even when the case is punctured. VRLA batteries are considered "maintenance free" and require no addition of electrolyte or water.

  • No periodic topping since this battery works on the oxygen recombination reaction resulting in no water loss. Hence no maintenance problems such as breakage or jamming up of floats.
  • No stratification of the electrolyte because of the Wicking action of the absorbent separators. The cells are mounted horizontally, reducing the height of cell, Hence Stratification is therefore eliminated.
  • There is no possibility of electrolyte spillage due to the spill proof and leak proof construction. Hence ground currents are eliminated.
  • Batteries are fitted with explosion proof safety valves, which can't be opened without a special tool.
  • No post corrosion, since there is no acid spillage/mist.
  • Cell covers and jars are hermetically heat-sealed. Since no third element is used for sealing operational problems are not envisaged.
  • Individual plastic cells are housed in MS trays. Hence no dimensional change is observed in service.
  • VRLA batteries have very good discharge regulation. The average discharge voltage at C10 rate is 1.95 VPC. Hence greater power is available from these batteries.
  • VRLA batteries can be located next to the charger or next to the controls. No separate battery room is required. Hence reduction in copper bus/cables from charger to battery and battery to system.
  • Very low self-discharge of around 1.0% of capacity per week.
  • Normal ventilation is sufficient as per uniform building code.
  • No equalizing charge is required.
  • Since VRLA batteries are housed in steel trays the transit damages are minimal.
  • These batteries are factory charged. Hence Commissioning is immediate and no initial charging at site is required. An 80% saving in installation time is quite common.
  • Design life expectancy is >15 years.
  • 50% Reduction in floor space requirements.
  • 40% Reduction in volume.
  • 30% Reduction in weight.
VRLA Battery by Amaron
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